Nettle-leaved Bellflower, coarsely toothed, very hairy, triangular, and sometimes with a heart-shaped base, the leaves of this plant resemble those of a stinging nettle, though they carry no stinging hairs. When the sun catches
Nettle-leaved Bellflower, the deep violet-blue flowers show up brightly against the shady gloom of dense woodland, the edges of which are its favoured habitat. The flowers are upright or horizontal, which prevents pollen falling from the short stamens onto the style.
LEAVES : Basal and alternate, triangular to heart-shaped; deep green above, paler beneath.
PLANT HEIGHT : 40–80cm.

FLOWER SIZE : 2.5–5cm long.
FRUIT : Pendent capsule.
FLOWERING TIME : July–September.
SIMILAR SPECIES : Giant Bellflower , which is taller with larger, more profuse flowers.
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