Sunday, June 5, 2011

Lady’s Bedstraw

Lady’s BedstrawThe tiny flowers of Lady’s Bedstraw seem, at a distance, like candyfloss. Each flower has four well-separated petals and is grouped into a branched panicle. Linear, shiny, dark green leaves are borne in many whorls along the hairy stem. The plant, which may be bushy or in spikes, is fragrant.

Lady’s BedstrawLEAVES : Whorls of 8–12 small, linear leaves; dark green.

PLANT HEIGHT : 20–80cm.

FLOWER SIZE : 2–3mm wide.

FRUIT : Fused black nutlets.

FLOWERING TIME : June–September.

SIMILAR SPECIES : Hedge Bedstraw , which has creamy white flowers.

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