Sunday, June 5, 2011

Stinking Iris

Stinking Iris
LEAVES : Basal and alternate, sword-shaped, up to 2.5cm wide, strong-smelling.

PLANT HEIGHT : 40–70cm.

FLOWER SIZE : 5.5–8cm wide.

FRUIT : Three-parted capsule, containing red berries.


SIMILAR SPECIES : Yellow Flag, which is larger; Iris foetidissima var. citrina, which has all yellowish petals.

Stinking IrisThe large tufts of narrow, strap-like leaves of Stinking Iris are evergreen, and most easily seen in winter, when most of the other woodland greenery has disappeared. Stinking Iris have a strong smell rather like that of roast meat, but give off a more offensive odour if crushed. The purple and yellow petals of the flowers sometimes occur as dull violet-brown.

The purple fall petals, however, are always darkly veined and the inner yellowish and notched “petals” are actually modified styles. The red berries remain attached to the plant until early winter.

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